History of The St. Christopher Chorale

The St. Christopher Chorale, named after the patron saint of travellers, is an itinerant choir in the Chester Diocese, founded in 1986 by Philip Crookall.  The Chorale was formed of people from the South Cheshire area and consists of twenty four adult voices together with organist and choirmaster.

It is their aim to bring choral music into churches which may have no choir, or would welcome a visiting choir occasionally to lead the congregation in choral services. They are available for both morning and evening services and their repertoire of sacred music includes settings of the Eucharist, Canticles and Anthems suitable for all seasons of the Christian year.

The Chorale has visited, by invitation, many different churches in Cheshire, Staffordshire and Shropshire and has sung weekend offices in Cathedrals during their choir vacations. In 2000 amd 2002 these visits extended as far as Paris and Prague.

Since 1986, members of the Chorale have been privileged to join in the worship of more than four hundred congregations in Anglican, Roman Catholic and Free Church services and travelled over 18,500 miles. Choral Evensong at Derby Cathedral on 17th July 2022 marked the 500th service sung by the choir.

The Chorale makes no charge for its services but is most grateful to receive donations towards the cost of music and rehearsal expenses.